Daiichi Sankyo, Merck and lung cancer
Notable Labs said it is pausing implementation of the planned Phase 2 study of cancer drug Volasertib in relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia. The biotechnology company also said Thursday it ...
A recent survey from AARP found that roughly 40 percent of adults age 65-plus who are eligible for Medicare have either ...
A clinical trial supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was stopped early after researchers found sufficient ...
Last year, the Community Oncology Alliance sued to reverse a policy that prohibits oncology practices from mailing cancer ...
Dr. Chakraborty says the research opens new possibilities for oral cancer treatment, particularly addressing drug ...
A drug that could reduce the risk of death in cancer patients is showing good promise during its second phase of clinical ...
With a trio of biotechs hitting the Nasdaq on Friday, it was easy to miss a smaller-scale public debut from another ...
The results could pave the way for Pfizer's drug ponsegromab to become the first-ever approved treatment specifically for ...