Scotland closer to independence now than in 2014
The First Minister spoke after meeting key figures from the energy sector at UK Government level, including GB Energy chair ...
The Scottish Government’s climate action minister Alasdair Allan chaired a roundtable event to consider what could be done to ...
Scotland must “start focusing again on the things that we can” do, First Minister John Swinney has said as he marks a decade ...
THE race is on to see which FM goes first. Scotland’s First Minister — or Scotland’s Football Manager. Because let’s be ...
John Swinney has rallied SNP activists to focus on convincing people of the merits of independence as he looks to recapture ...
The Scottish First Minister said there would be ‘outrage’ if he tried to interfere with the running of the force ...
John Swinney has refused to say if the Scottish Government will seek to freeze council tax next year.
Scotland's First Minister and former First Minister, who are in favor of Scottish independence, both believe Irish ...