Birds of prey are apex predators ... and they can be identified by their smaller size and brown plumage. Peregrine falcons are large falcons renowned worldwide for being the fastest animals ...
People interested in falconry can join the Ohio Falconry Association for its end-of-season meet to go squirrel and rabbit ...
(And “Cat TV” keeps our two inside felines entertained.) A lot of the birds that patronize our feeders are brown, but attention to detail reveals a variety of species. Let’s look at some of ...
The bird of prey most commonly seen in Hertfordshire is the graceful Red Kite. Often seen gliding and hovering over urban and rural areas looking for food, these birds really are a ... soaring high in ...
with birds of prey and dogs preparing to hunt. This event marks the final meet for Mick Brown as president of the association. "I tell you what, it means so much. I'm probably going to feel real ...