A miracle dog who survived on a Donegal island cliff-edge for two weeks living on just pools of rainwater has been reunited with the two sisters who helped find her. Mali, a Bernese Mountain dog ...
Searches on land and sea failed to find her, but on Saturday the crew of a passing fishing boat heard barking and spotted Mali clinging to a cliff edge, 61m above sea level. A member of the public ...
Within an hour Mali had been taken to the top of the cliff and was then put on John Paul’s boat with colleague Padraig Lawlor ...
His alert led skipper John Paul Baskin of North West Charters to cut their boat's engine and home in on the sound where they found Mali alive on a rocky cliff edge. Reliving the extraordinary ...
No barking was ever heard but with that weather ... who knows”. The man who alerted the authorities to Mali on the cliff was John Paul Baska, who also shot the footage of the dramatic rescue.
A MIRICALE dog who survived on a Donegal island cliff-edge for two weeks living on just pools of rainwater has been reunited with the two sisters who helped find him. Mali, a Bernese Mountain dog ...
A dog that was thought to have run off the edge of a cliff and died has been found alive more than two weeks after ...
A family on vacation in Ireland has been reunited with their dog after she was found on a cliff edge in Co Donegal, two weeks after she went missing. Mali, a Bernese mountain dog, had run away ...
A beloved pet dog which went missing on an island off the coast of Donegal more than two weeks ago has been found alive and well - clinging onto a cliff edge. Mali, a Bernese Mountain dog ...