At an energy technology conference, climate change hardly gets a mention, and experts range from cautiously optimistic to ...
The field manager of the tour company involved in the incident said the elephant responded to tourists getting too close to take pictures Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at PEOPLE. She has been ...
An elephant was electrocuted to death in the Somoschura area in Sherpur's Nalitabari upazila on Thursday night. Police ...
the elephant herd coming out of the reserve forest in the Western Ghats in search of food and water entered these fields and inflicedt severe damage to the standing crop on Wednesday night.
Sherpur, Mar 21, 2025 (BSS) - A wild elephant was electrocuted in the Nalitabari border area early today after coming in ...
The Elephant Sanctuary, in Hohenwald ... including an educational center for the public. Wide open fields and native foliage provide a backdrop for 12 retired African and Asian elephants to ...