Use googley eyes, pens and scrap materials to make your sock puppets. You can also use toys! Use old cardboard boxes from recycling to create a puppet theatre to hide behind when performing.
But when he entered college and focused on theater, his passion for puppetry ... of categories on there and one was like a basics on sock puppets. My first puppet was a bat and his name was ...
There's been a murrrder! Some criminals put stockings on their heads, now Earth's funniest Socks get their heads around crime. Doing every genre from film noir to Breaking Bad, Scotland's finest bring ...
A phony name made up by a user in order to masquerade as someone else on the Internet. Sock puppets can make controversial comments or vote for or against a cause without revealing their identity.
Making and playing with sock puppets is a great way to encourage your little one to play pretend and make creative choices. You don't need many craft materials to make a sock puppet, you can get ...