Can allergies make you cough, or is there something else to blame for that seemingly seasonal tickle in your throat? An allergist explains.
Most children with allergy were found to have upper airway cough syndrome (previously designated as postnasal drip syndrome). Nocturnal cough was more common in the asthma and allergy groups ...
Inflammation in human airways is associated with such conditions as asthma, allergic rhinitis and chronic cough. Researchers ...
HKU1 infection typically presents as an upper respiratory tract illness with symptoms like cough, cold, sneezing, and throat ...
and upper airway cough syndrome or post-nasal drip) and includes unexplained chronic cough. RCC affects ~2-3 million patients in the U.S. and is caused by cough reflex hypersensitivity in both the ...
Local tissue factors, such as microbial stimuli and systemic inflammatory mechanisms, play a role in the clinical expression of the allergic airway syndrome ... between the upper and lower ...
Haduvio met the primary endpoint with a statistically-significant reduction (p0.0001) in 24-hour cough frequency with a 57% placebo-adjusted change from baseline Company to host a conference call and ...