In 2024, over 10% of impaired driving crashes occurred in March, making it the month with the highest number of impaired ...
A Florida representative filed HB 1491, a bill designed to crack down on immigration and compensate victims of illegal ...
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), our Division of the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), along ...
Under the new agreements, sheriff’s deputies gain more immigration enforcement power with ICE supervision. Local sheriff’s ...
Florida’s GOP leaders named Larry Keefe as the executive director for the new State Board of Immigration Enforcement at an ...
The new agreements involve the Florida State Guard, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the FDLE.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the state's efforts to support President Donald Trump's administration's enforcement of ...
All 67 county sheriffs in Florida have agreed to fully cooperate with Customs and Border Protection to enforce immigration laws.
Alachua County Sheriff Chad Scott said the raise will help to alleviate the sheriff's office's challenges of compression ...
The 287(g) agreements allow deputies to enforce immigration violations as part of their routine duties and allows ICE to ...
Governor Ron DeSantis has signed three agreements to give state agencies more power to enforce immigration laws.