This guest blog is the second in a series exploring the five demands of the 2025 Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women’s Rights.
It may turn out to be a blessing that this second, and wilder Trump administration has coincided with the best opportunity for a century to rewrite international tax rules and their global governance.
The negotiation of the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation kicked off this week in New York where all delegates who spoke, from every region of the world, affirmed their country’s ...
Wealth taxes have been increasingly discussed by international institutions such as the UN, the G20, the OECD, and the IMF. However, these discussions often overlook the critical role of beneficial ...
Tax havens are located around the world. Most tax havens are rich countries, like Switzerland, Luxembourg, Britain or the United States, or dependencies of rich countries, like the British Virgin ...
The Tax Justice Network believes our tax and financial systems are our most powerful tools for creating a just society that gives equal weight to the needs of everyone. Every day, we inspire and equip ...
The Tax Justice Network believes our tax and financial systems are our most powerful tools for creating a just society that gives equal weight to the needs of everyone. Every day, we inspire and equip ...
Tax justice supports the realisation of human rights in all countries. It raises revenue, redistributes wealth and income, and reprices public “bads” such environmental pollution. Importantly, and ...
The most common way multinational corporations abuse or avoid tax is by shifting the profits they make out of the countries where they genuinely do business and into tax havens. This allows the ...
A global asset register is a proposal to create a comprehensive international registry of all wealth and assets in order give policymakers and the public the data needed to tackle global tax abuse and ...