The voting rights group, which was founded by Abrams, and the affiliated New Georgia Action Fund were accused of illegally ...
Attorneys for the City of Savannah seek sanctions for the lawyers representing the family of Saudi Lee, killed by a city ...
NOAA has withdrawn a proposal to expand protection of endangered right whales that give birth off the Georgia coast.
Higgins is scheduled to present a new plan for staffing at a county work session on Jan. 21,, so he can keep his office of 12 ...
A report, written and released in November by Kemp ally and elected Insurance Commissioner John King, blamed several factors ...
While Coastal Georgia lawmakers and The Current’s readers see eye-to-eye on environment and infrastructure issues facing the ...
House Democrats say they support improving school security but are also pressing for gun safety measures, such as a proposal ...
Readers say lawmakers should drop these topics to the bottom of their to-do list: Legalizing gambling, tort reform and ...
As Georgia attracts more industries that need substantial amounts of energy and water to operate, the need for resource ...
Chatham County still without a contractor to build sorely-needed new 911 and emergency operations center. Costs continue to ...
Usefully, the listing would legally protect the groves of trees near the California coast where western monarchs overwinter. The eastern monarch population’s overwintering grounds in Mexico are ...
Most winter days off Georgia’s coast, scientists crisscross the waves looking for North Atlantic right whales. Those in a ...