Even typically low-stakes romance, comedy and children's movies normally have a baddie to pin all the protagonist's ...
But everyone knows just how important the deaths of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Emperor Palpatine and many other major ...
The reveal at the end of the first Saw, Sergeant Howie's fate in The Wicker Man, the truth about Teddy in Shutter Island; ...
If a plot involves a haunting ghost, a creepy alien, or a creature with a melted face, they're instinctively perceived as the ...
Even the most optimistic wrestling fan would have to admit NXT has had a rough time of it these past few years. After the ...
Star Trek has reckoned its future's end, and we're all not fine.
This is the same universe where bounty hunter fathers have had their heads sliced off in front of their children, fallen Jedi ...
From the early 3D outings of the PS1 to the epic AAA blockbusters currently available on PS5, PlayStation has come a long way ...
Although the period between 1989 and 2005 is widely referred to as Doctor Who's Wilderness Years, the Doctor was never far ...
AEW Hits Jackpot 03:22 - TV Deal Latest 09:29 - Mick Foley On Vince McMahon 13:17 - Major WWE Show Returns #AEW #WWE #Wrestling For more awesome WWE, AEW and other wrestling content check out: Listen ...
When Paris escapes from his bio-bed and runs amok, he kidnaps Janeway, steals the shuttle, and both have evolved into these ...
The very same week that Fight Club was released, O'Donnell "reviewed" it on her daytime talk show, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, ...