A feature film, completely without people. Neither in front of nor behind the camera. As part of the "Schmiede24" art ...
The accused cared for the senior citizen from Salzburg for just three days. Then she and her "favorite jewelry" were gone for ...
Dramatic turn of events after drama in a shared flat in Vienna-Favoriten: It was not the husband of the young family present ...
Peter Krenmayr is no longer president of ASV Siegendorf! "Of course it's a bitter blow for the club," said chairman ...
The KTV presented a new hall project. While the state of Carinthia is already examining the project, the city of Klagenfurt ...
It is the next piece of bad news for the automotive giant Magna: after severe setbacks in orders for e-cars, layoffs are now ...
In response to growing political pressure, Instagram is introducing special user accounts for minors. These offer increased ...
This is a bitter setback for the Greens - so close to the election: the Green prestige project, the Energy Act, is now off ...
What a terrible Formula 1 weekend for Red Bull star Sergio Pérez: first the Mexican, who was racing for a podium place in the ...
"We've never seen anything like this before," reports Wiener Linien boss Alexandra Reinagl. This extent of flood protection ...
The mega-event was canceled for the first time in a quarter of a century. Starnacht boss Ramusch shares his concerns in an ...
A district of the Wallersee municipality was flooded on Tuesday night. The lake overflowed. The campsite and lido were also ...