This week’s Summit of the Future represents one of the last opportunities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals as ...
We asked over 114,000 people in 107 countries for their views on corruption. Approximately 1,000 people from each of 107 countries were surveyed between September 2012 and March 2013. Five hundred ...
Transparency International is deeply concerned by the recent actions taken by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs against Ilia Shumanov, Executive Director of Transparency International Russia in ...
On 14 August, the World Health Organization declared the mpox outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern.” This classification, previously used for crises like Ebola and COVID-19, ...
We don’t currently have a national chapter in your country. For more information and resources on our anti-corruption corruption work, please visit the End Corruption and Library sections.
In many countries you can pay off police officers to ignore any crime, however horrific and devastating – it’s just a matter of price. In Zimbabwe a nine-year old girl was raped on her way to school ...
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Ordinary citizens too often stand on the front line against corruption. They face demands for bribes to see a doctor, find a school place for their children, or file a police complaint. And it is ...
We focus on issues with the greatest impact on people's lives. Ending the abuse of power and impunity for the corrupt is critical and urgent. It means holding the powerful to account and closing down ...
The 10th edition of the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Africa, reveals that while most people in Africa feel corruption increased in their country, a majority also feel optimistic that they, as ...
Have you paid a bribe? Has corruption increased in your country? Is your government effectively tackling corruption? You have an opinion and that’s what we want the world to hear. Since its debut in ...
Everyday abuse of entrusted power by public officials in their interactions with ordinary citizens, who often are trying to access basic goods or services in places like hospitals, schools, police ...