Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
Christchurch-based collective Brown Town defends use of racially tiered ticketing prices for music event; complaints laid ...
But the Christchurch-based collective behind the event – which says it’s dedicated to creating safe, inclusive spaces for ...
A community organisation has responded to backlash over racially tiered ticketing for an upcoming event aimed to celebrate ...
Disney has been sued for a staggering amount of 10 billion dollars by an animator who claimed that they stole his idea for ...
Animator Buck Woodall accuses Disney of stealing ideas from his script for a Polynesian-inspired animated film titled "Bucky" ...
Disney's Moana depicts wayfinding — the process of orienting and traveling from place to place — as a main plot point in helping the Polynesian voyagers navigate across the ocean. These explorers ...
Family-friendly movies are still dominating the box office. Disney sequels MOANA 2 and MUFASA: THE LION KING are ...