The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been the reigning power of the movie business for nearly two decades now, but in 2025 DC Studios will be making its bid for power with the launch of a new DC Universe ...
We have an update on Marvel Studios' Multiverse Saga plans, with four more TV shows reportedly on the way...two of which may ...
There's long been a misconception that action films are a masculine domain. But female strength and agility have been ...
Movies take us into fantastical worlds where we can face mysteries that lie beyond our ordinary reach, and sometimes even force us to challenge our outlooks and beliefs.
Most of the original Avengers cast assembles in a new PSA video championing Kamala Harris against what they perceive to be a greater threat than the Infinity Gauntlet.
The MCU is getting closer to assembling a new generation of superheroes. These are the Young Avengers that have already been ...
Heidi Klum wowed fans once again at her 23rd annual Halloween party in New York City, transforming into E.T. in an elaborate costume complete with prosthetics and intricate makeup.
A-list stars, such as Jennifer Aniston, Kristen Bell and Olivia Rodrigo, share their sometimes strange yet terrifying fears.
Superintelligent machines with evil intentions have haunted screens for almost a century. The Washington Post’s Shira Ovide ...
Variety’s annual New Leaders list hopes to identify some of the undersung individuals who provide the connective tissue ...