Telegram risks a ban in India as its use in illicit activities continues to surge. India's biggest health insurer impacted ...
The company denies responsibility, saying its contract to maintain the Department of Defence’s infrastructure ended last year ...
AMD faces its second cyberattack in 2024, with sensitive employee data and product plans stolen and sold on dark web ...
The Star Health chatbots feature a welcome message stating they are “by xenZen” and have been operational since at least Aug.
Embedding Data Privacy Into Company Culture In Singapore. Legal News and Analysis - Singapore - Telecommunications, Media & ...
Cybercrime: The purported creator of the chatbots told a security researcher, who alerted Reuters to the issue, that private ...
The need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical as the sector becomes more reliant on cloud-based ...
The Department of Foreign Affairs is concerned over an undetermined amount of data breaches in the APO Production Unit, which ...
I do not remember having received any warning from the Philippine National Bank (PNB) that their account holders should not ...
His actions appeared to breach the Data Protection Act, which requires organisations such as the DVLA to keep the personal information in their hands secure and make sure it is not inappropriately ...