Columnist Marisa Zeppieri shares insight she gained, before she got married, about chronic illness and dating.
A rise in cases of parvovirus B19, mpox, and COVID-19 concerns columnist Candace Semien, who believes one of them helped ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted fast track designation to Caribou Biosciences‘ CAR T-cell therapy CB-010 for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) — the most common form of lupus ...
Earlier today, the speaker of a faith-based class I participated in was discussing the ancient Greek term “parakletos,” which meant “advocate.” My ears perked up, as advocacy has become such an ...
Few things are more enjoyable to me than reading and listening to great stories. Reading until I’m practically hypnotized is top-tier entertainment. In the physical process of reading, the eyes move ...
Whether you’re healthy or living with a chronic illness, navigating a new friendship is always a delicate dance. For those of us with lupus (or possibly multiple autoimmune diseases), it can be ...