Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) may reduce the effort required to walk, and increase walking speed and satisfaction with walking in people with calf muscle weakness due to neuromuscular disorders, but we ...
Subarachnoid thrombolysis is where a clot-dissolving drug is administered to clear the blood after subarachnoid haemorrhage. This may improve outcomes since blood in the subarachnoid space is ...
– Current evidence suggests that calorie (energy) labelling on menus, and on or next to products, leads to reductions in calories selected and bought from food and non-alcoholic drinks. The evidence ...
Incentives, such as money, vouchers or deposits, can be used to encourage people to quit smoking, and to reward them if they remain non-smoking. Such schemes can be run in workplaces, in clinics, and ...
Mike: Hello, I’m Mike Clarke podcast editor for the Cochrane Library. Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth has produced many reviews of interventions relevant to the organization and delivery of ...
- Virtual reality might improve balance and postural control, upper limb function, and participation and quality of life, but the overall quality of the evidence is limited. - Since these results are ...
A new Cochrane review has found that calorie labelling of food on menus and products leads people to choose slightly fewer calories. The research team, led by scientists from UCL, Bath Spa University, ...
如果您發現此證據有幫助,請考慮向 Cochrane 捐款。我們是一家慈善機構,提供可獲取的證據來幫助人們做出健康和照護之決定。
Evaluar la eficacia, la seguridad, y la inmunogenicidad de las vacunas para la prevención de la diarrea por ECET.
如果您發現此證據有幫助,請考慮向 Cochrane 捐款。我們是一家慈善機構,提供可獲取的證據來幫助人們做出健康和照護之決定。
20개의 연구를 확인하였음에도, ND나 CBL과 비교하여 CL이 이 리뷰에서 관심 있는 모든 결과에 미치는 영향은 불분명하다. 또한, 일부 중요한 결과는 포함된 연구에서 보고되지 않았다. NICU에서 CL ...