President Donald Trump’s decision to remove the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement once again is a blow to farmers and ...
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy is about policy. Our work centers on how public institutions and policies can ...
With 96 percent of the world's population living outside of the United States, Governor Bush recognizes that the future prosperity of America's farmers depends on expanding markets overseas. He is ...
Kansas City, MO&A landmark agricultural event, bringing together academicians, rural sociologists and representatives from various coalitions from across the nation occurred in Kansas City April 29 - ...
Wall Street Journal | Op-Ed | By HOLMAN W. JENKINS JR. If mankind rejects the benefits of gene splicing, there will be a better reason than one company's public relations miscues. Monsanto was on a ...
A discussion of the impacts of NAFTA on the public.
Is it a dictatorial tool of the rich and powerful? Does it destroy jobs? Does it ignore the concerns of health, the environment and development? Emphatically no. Criticisms of the WTO are often based ...
Briefly discusses and gives tables of countries in the European Union and their monitoring systems for antibiotic resistance, including the bacteria which are tested, and the methods used.
Information comparing these two certification programs.
The Minnesota Green Chemistry Forum is committed to fostering a common understanding among businesses, government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academia to advance green chemistry ...
Provides the first transparent estimate of the quantities of antimicrobials used in agriculture. The report estimate the quantities of antibiotics used for purposes other than therapy in the three big ...
WASHINGTON -- A study by the U.S. Agriculture Department's Economic Research Service was cited as finding that farmers growing organic crops doubled their acreage in the 1990s, although it still only ...