Anthony of Padua - Wikipedia
Anthony of Padua, OFM, (Portuguese: António/Antônio de Pádua; Italian: Antonio di/da Padova; Latin: Antonius Patavinus) or Anthony of Lisbon (Portuguese: António/Antônio de Lisboa; Italian: Antonio da/di Lisbona; Latin: Antonius Olisiponensis; born Fernando Martins de Bulhões; 15 August 1195 – 13 June 1231) [1] [2] was a Portuguese ...
Who is St. Anthony of Padua?
St. Anthony of Padua is one of the Catholic Church’s most popular saints. Saint Anthony of Padua, patron saint of lost and stolen articles, was a powerful Franciscan preacher and teacher. He’s typically portrayed holding the child Jesus—or a lily—or a book—or all three—in his arms.
St. Anthony of Padua - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
St Anthony is venerated all over the world as the Patron Saint for lost articles, and is credited with many miracles involving lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods.
The Life of St. Anthony of Padua - Franciscan Friars of the …
Known as the patron saint of the poor, of sailors and fishermen, of priests and travelers, a protector and guardian of the mails, and wonder-worker, the story of St. Anthony of Padua is very special. St. Anthony was born in 1195 (13 years after St. Francis of Assisi) in Lisbon, which is now known as Portugal.
St. Anthony of Padua - Encyclopedia Britannica
Saint Anthony of Padua was a Franciscan friar and a dedicated patron of the poor. Anthony was the most celebrated of Saint Francis of Assisi’s followers and had the reputation of being a miracle worker. He is commonly invoked for the return of lost property.
St. Anthony of Padua | Patron Saint of Lost Items
St. Anthony of Padua, known to many simply as St. Anthony, is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. Born in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal, Anthony is renowned for his eloquence and insight as a preacher, his devotion to the poor, and his reputation as the patron saint of lost items.
Saint Anthony of Padua - Information on the Saint of the Day
5 days ago · Saint Anthony of Padua, 17th Century (© Musei Vaticani) Born into a noble family at Lisbon, Portugal, in 1195 (on August 15, it is believed), and baptized Fernando, the man we would come to know as St. Anthony was 15 years old …
St. Anthony of Padua | EWTN
St. Anthony of Padua is one of the most famous disciples of St. Francis of Assisi. He was a famous preacher and worker of miracles in his own day, and throughout the eight centuries since his death he has so generously come to the assistance of the faithful who invoke him, that he is known throughout the world.
Saint Anthony of Padua - Franciscan Media
Jun 13, 2022 · An Augustinian monk who was inspired by the martyrdom of Franciscan missionaries, Saint Anthony of Padua joined the Franciscans hoping to be a missionary. But God had other plans for him. He became one of the outstanding philosopher/theologians of the Order.
Saint Anthony of Padua - My Catholic Life!
June 13: Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor—Memorial. 1195–1231 Patron Saint of amputees, animals, mail, horses, expectant mothers, fishermen, harvests, lost articles, boatmen, and travelers, as well as the elderly, oppressed, poor, and starving Canonized by Pope Gregory IX on 30 May 1232